I first spotted Spot in first grade in the late 1950s. And I loved him on sight. He helped me learn to read!
My first real dog, Inky, came along when I was eight. She was a black cocker spaniel, about four years old when we got her. She was sweetness embodied, and we played for hours every day, outside and in the basement, inventing our own exciting make-believe stories. I’ve also had a springer spaniel, a blond cocker, and another dozen dogs in my life. It’s clear I have a soft spot for all varieties of dog, but especially spaniels. Right now, my dog is a love-sponge of a Cavalier King Charles spaniel named Rue. From Spot to Rue, it’s been an excellent adventure!
- My first dog, Inky
- My current dog, Rue
This website is my “Spot” on the internet, where I can share my work and my love of books with readers – and animal lovers – young and old.

All writers are inspired by what they read, hear, and see. I was inspired by photographer/author William Wegman who spelled out the entire alphabet using his Weimaraners. He spelled out, among other things, “R-E-A-D.” (Photos used with permission.)
My family and I decided to spell out the words “Ho! Ho! Ho!” for a Christmas card as a tribute to Wegman. Having no Weimaraners, we used our own four small dogs: a Yorkie, a cairn terrier, and two miniature dachshunds, one long-haired and one wire-haired. We put a sheet on the floor, posed the dogs, and got dozens of photos which we whittled down to one Christmas card. My middle son, Will, climbed a ladder and took the shots. My youngest son, Josh, wrangled the pack. I directed.

Like everyone else in the world, I always wanted to direct!